Newsletter — Jason Michael Perry

Dive into Thoughts on Tech & Things – Your Weekly Tech Insight

Get a personal take on the latest tech buzz with Thoughts on Tech & Things. It’s a carefully crafted roundup you won’t find anywhere else, filled with insights and a sprinkle of wit from CTO, Jason Michael Perry, the man with three first names.

Each issue of ‘Thoughts on Tech & Things’ is more than just a newsletter—it’s a direct line to the pulse of technology, crafted with the discerning eye of an industry insider. Why settle for surface-level summaries when you can enjoy a rich blend of critical analyses, behind-the-scenes looks, and forward-thinking ideas? With every email, embark on a thought-provoking journey through the tech landscape, guided by the expertise of a CTO with a unique three-name touch.

But that’s not all—’Thoughts on Tech & Things’ also serves as your tech community forum. It’s a space where curious minds converge to dissect trends, challenge norms, and uncover the stories that shape our digital era. Subscribing means joining a tribe of tech aficionados who appreciate a deeper dive. From AI’s ethical quandaries to the thrills of gadget launches, we unravel the complexities of technology together.

Past Newsletters