OpenAI's drama comes to an end — Jason Michael Perry

Popcorn lovers rejoice the shortage is over as the long OpenAI drama that began with the sudden firing of CEO Sam Altman, two interim CEOs, Microsoft starting a new division and hiring Altman, has finally ended with a new board and Altman back as CEO. If you plan to skip the link article, this is the most significant bit:

“In a letter circulated internally at OpenAI and subsequently published to the OpenAI blog, Altman announced that Mira Murati, who was briefly appointed interim CEO by the previous board, will return to her role as CTO, and confirmed that the initial new board will consist of Bret Taylor, the former co-CEO of Salesforce; Quora CEO D’Angelo, who served on the previous board; and economist and political veteran Larry Summers. Microsoft will also gain representation on the board in the form of a non-voting observer.”

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