App Stores are keeping us from the next evolution of gaming, subscriptions — Jason Michael Perry

It’s obvious at this point that the future of gaming is not consoles but subscription-based gaming platforms, each with tentpole or exclusive content. We have long proved that even the heaviest games can stream over the Internet and run on limited terminals without the bulk and power of expensive consoles with features like Xbox Remote Play.

These days, Netflix features games above most shows and movies. Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo offer monthly “game passes” full of content and quarterly exclusive drops. Apple long ago moved to subscription games with its arcade product.

The big question is how long before the Apple AppStore and Google Play store concede to allow these game platforms a place – even if it directly competes with them or erodes the stickiness within their ivy walls – to provide a native gaming experience for the big console companies. After all Microsoft has tried and failed to offer a first-party native app.

As flawed as Epic’s lawsuit has felt, this seems like the real issue and heart of the coming war unless gaming companies and platforms can find a way to work together.

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