EVs Are the Future, Just Not as Soon as We Thought — Jason Michael Perry

EV sales are up, just not as quickly as expected, but growth remains steady. Look, you know I have my issues with charging networks, but after nearly a year of driving an electric car, I can confidently say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Range anxiety, especially during the last mile when traveling, continues to be a challenge. But for day-to-day commuting, it’s the best type of car you could choose—assuming you have the infrastructure at home to support a charger. When I hop in my car for a meeting, it’s charged to the recommended 80% (I only max out at 100% if I’m planning a long drive), and even on round trips from Baltimore to DC and back, I’ve never felt the need to stop and charge.

If we’re talking about real car anxiety—I don’t miss the days of coming home late with less than a quarter tank of gas, only to wake up rushing to a meeting and needing to stop at a gas station on the way. An electric car at home is like waking up every morning with a gas station in your house that filled your car overnight.

The transition may take longer than we thought, and maybe hybrids will help people ease into the shift, but I have no doubt EVs are the future. I just hope these lousy charging networks get their act together and more people adopt EVs, helping solve the last mile problem that adoption will ultimately fix.
